From Craft Show CEO
Craft Show 101: Tips and Information for Vendors
Tips & tricks for having the best day ever at your next fair. Craft fairs are an incredible way to validate your work, ideas and the direction you are taking! If you’re wondering if something you made will sell, there is no better way then to get it in front of actual human beings with purchase power. Craft shows are the best way to try out new ideas or products!
Top 3 Craft Show Booth Mistakes
Booth set-up can involve a little psychology: all humans want to avoid pain and seek pleasure and remembering this can actually help you in your craft show booth set-up! We are going to address some common mistakes we have seen in booths which do not make high sales at shows so that you can avoid making these same mistakes. Remember, we inherently want to seek pleasure, even when making purchases, so take these tips to heart:
Use what you learned!
Apply to the next Strawberry Swing Indie Craft Fair! We can’t wait for you to become apart of our handmade community.